Fast-Track Process
In 2011, the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God approved a fast-track credentialing process. A new fourth category was approved in the August 2014 meeting for ministers spouses.
Do you or someone you know meet any the following criteria?
Are you a:
Lead pastor who wants to bring their existing church into the Assemblies of God? (ordained)
Staff pastors of that same church who currently hold credentials with other organizations? (ordained)
A ministry-active spouse who is married to a minister who has been ordained with the Assemblies of God for a minimum of 10 years? (certified/licensed)
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then the fast-track process may be for you! Please contact the Credentials office for more details: brenda@laaog.org
Applicants for ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God must be saved (new birth, born again), baptized in water and in the Spirit (with evidence of speaking in other tongues).
For fast-track applicants, all education is waived, but please go ahead and request any transcripts or education you have completed related to the credential process, General Council will look favorably on those who have previous educational experience.
Marriage History:
While history with divorce and remarriage is not an automatic dis-qualifier from credentialing, it can be in certain cases. Please communicate with the Louisiana District office, Brenda@laaog.org, prior to starting the fast-track process for clarification in these areas (318-445-6238).
Lifestyle Choices:
If you have a history of a bankruptcy, please contact the Credentials Administrator, Brenda Viator.
Louisiana Network Ministry
Attn: Credentialing
P.O.Box 346
Woodworth, LA 71485